Tuesday 23 July 2013

Open Multiple Websites in One Click

Now it is possible to open Frequently used multiple websites at one click . . .

> Open notepad
> Copy and Paste the following code

@echo off
start www.google.com
start www.facebook.com
start www.gmail.com

> You may also add some more web URLs
> Save it as " Filename.bat " (.bat is must)
> Change the filetype to All files
> Done!!!

Simple App that speeks whatever you type in

Create your own application that speeks whatever you type. . .

> Open notepad
> Copy and Paste the following code into the notepad

Dim message, sapi
      message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Welcome Fayazmuffin")
     Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
     sapi.Speak message

> Save the file as Speech.vbs (.vbs is must)
> Dnt forget to change the file type as All files

Download Youtube Videos Without any Software

Now u can Download Youtube videos without any softwares. . .

> Goto www.youtube.com
> Search for your video and click on it
> When it starts to play just pause it, then goto the address bar
> You'll see the URL like (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JAa3NvP6f4)
> Now add " ss " infront of " youtube.com " like (http://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=_JAa3NvP6f4)
> And hit Enter
> Now you'll be redirected to another page
> There you can save the video to your system
> Done !!!

Create Your Own Matrix Effect

You can create the Matrix Effect on your own. . . 

> Open notepad
> Copy and paste the following code to the notepad

@echo off
color 0A
echo b r E w e 4 e T r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 h 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo R E 9 8 8 R a t r e g 6 n u m A b R E X e Y A T u C 7 a D R a c r u C e B E p e
ping -w .9 >nul
echo c E B E s A d R u B R 3 H e R u D 7 g u d U 7 T a b u T 5 e p E 2 a v e 6 8 a Z
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b R u d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b R u c e d U s w a h a c r a t h U 7 r a h u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo T e D r e 8 A p r a d a b u f U c u c E h E t 7 c r 5 s P a f r e t h u t 9 u t 
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b R u G e p a R e s a P H e P a 2 U d 4 P r e F A b a t h a t h U s w a d R U d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v U Y a C R e T R 9 k u b e D r a T 6 u j e 5 2 4 e B a f 2 u b 5 w A p a y U Y
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b r E w e 4 e n r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 a 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b s u c e d U s w a 3 a c r a t h U 7 r a k u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b u u d
ping -w .9 >nul
goto A

> Save it as Matrix.bat (.bat is must)
> Dont forget to change the file type as All files while saving the file.

Blank line post in Facebook

Have you ever tried Posting an empty line in facebook ???

        Here is the trick to post a blank line post in FB

> Hold down Alt Key and type 0173
> Then click post
> All Done !!!

Note: You have to use only the numeric keypad to type the number 0173.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Bit Locker - Relock Option

Are you tired of Restarting your system ? ? ?
In windows 7 there is an option called "Bit Locker" to Encrypt your Confidential files.
But the worst thing is that Windows 7 doesnot provide you the relock option.
Once if u might hav open ur encrypted Drive, U hav no option to relock it.
To relock the encrypted drive u hav to restart ur system.
But this is not possible for u to restart every time.

Here is the trick to create a relock option :

> Open notepad
> Copy the code below, paste it in the notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"AppliesTo"="(System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=1 OR 

System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=3 OR System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=5)"
@="Relock drive..."


> Save it as     relock_bde.reg

> Double click on the "relock_bde.reg" to add the information into the registry.

> Open another notepad, copy and paste the following code

Args = ""
Last = Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
For i = 0 To Last
 Args = Args & " " & Wscript.Arguments.Item(i)
Args = Replace(Args,":\",":")
CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute "manage-bde.exe", "-lock -forcedismount " & 

Args, "", "runas", 1

> Save it as       manage-bde-lock.vbs
> Then copy this "manage-bde-lock.vbs" file to     C:\windows\system32
> Tats it .... U r done !!!

Now when u right click on ur encrypted drive, u'll b able to see 1) Manage Bitlocker and 2) Relock Drive.

Microsoft's Unanswered Question

Brazilian's question to the Microsoft Team :

At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn’t answer why this happened!
It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself?

> Open Microsoft Word
> Type    =rand (200, 99)
> And then press ENTER
> And see the magic !!!

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